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TEX-COTE® Coolwall Lifetime Coating in Whittier, California: Protecting Your Home and Saving Money


When it comes to protecting your home and saving money on energy bills, TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is the answer. This revolutionary coating not only enhances the appearance of your home but also provides numerous benefits that can help you create a more comfortable and energy-efficient living space. If you are a homeowner in Whittier, California, Fitzhauer Construction is the trusted company to turn to for TEX-COTE® Coolwall installation. In this article, we will explore the many advantages of TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating and why it is the best choice for your home in Whittier.

What is TEX-COTE® Coolwall Lifetime Coating?

TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is a high-performance exterior coating that offers long-lasting protection for your home. It is specially designed to reflect solar heat, keeping your home cooler and reducing the need for air conditioning. With its advanced heat-reflective technology, TEX-COTE® Coolwall can lower the surface temperature of your walls, trim, and stucco by up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This not only helps to create a more comfortable living environment but also saves you money on energy bills.

The Benefits of TEX-COTE® Coolwall Lifetime Coating

1. Energy Efficiency

TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is an excellent choice for homeowners who want to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. By reflecting solar heat, this coating reduces the amount of heat absorbed by your home, resulting in lower cooling costs. With TEX-COTE® Coolwall, you can enjoy a cooler home without relying heavily on air conditioning, leading to significant energy savings.

2. Cost Savings

One of the key benefits of TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is its ability to save you money. By reducing the need for air conditioning, this coating can help lower your energy bills. Over time, the cost savings can add up, making TEX-COTE® Coolwall a wise investment for homeowners in Whittier. Additionally, TEX-COTE® Coolwall is a long-lasting coating that requires minimal maintenance, further reducing your overall expenses.

3. Increased Home Comfort

TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating not only saves you money but also enhances the comfort of your home. By reducing the surface temperature of your walls, trim, and stucco, this coating creates a more pleasant living environment. You can enjoy a cooler home during hot summer days, making TEX-COTE® Coolwall an ideal choice for homeowners in Whittier.

4. Protection Against UV Damage

UV rays can cause significant damage to your home’s exterior, leading to fading, peeling, and cracking. TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating offers superior protection against UV damage, ensuring that your home looks beautiful and well-maintained for years to come. With its advanced formula, TEX-COTE® Coolwall acts as a shield against harmful UV rays, preserving the color and integrity of your home’s exterior.

5. Improved Indoor Air Quality

TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is not only beneficial for the exterior of your home but also for the interior. This coating is designed to be breathable, allowing moisture to escape while preventing water intrusion. By improving the ventilation of your home’s walls, TEX-COTE® Coolwall helps to maintain a healthy indoor environment and prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

6. Eco-Friendly Solution

If you are concerned about the environmental impact of your home improvement choices, TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is the perfect solution. This coating is formulated with sustainable materials and is designed to be eco-friendly. By reducing your energy consumption and lowering your carbon footprint, TEX-COTE® Coolwall helps you create a more sustainable and environmentally conscious home.

TEX-COTE® Coolwall Lifetime Coating Installation Process

When it comes to TEX-COTE® Coolwall installation in Whittier, Fitzhauer Construction is the company to trust. Our team of experienced professionals will ensure a seamless and efficient installation process. Here is an overview of the installation process:

  1. Surface Preparation: Our team will thoroughly clean and prepare the surfaces to be coated, ensuring optimal adhesion and longevity of the TEX-COTE® Coolwall coating.
  2. Primer Application: A high-quality primer will be applied to the surfaces, creating a strong bond between the existing substrate and the TEX-COTE® Coolwall coating.
  3. TEX-COTE® Coolwall Coating Application: The TEX-COTE® Coolwall coating will be applied using advanced techniques to ensure an even and smooth finish.
  4. Curing and Inspection: The coating will be allowed to cure, and our team will conduct a thorough inspection to ensure the highest quality of work.

TEX-COTE® Coolwall Lifetime Coating Cost Savings

Investing in TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating for your home in Whittier can lead to significant cost savings. By reducing your energy consumption and lowering your cooling costs, this coating pays for itself over time. Additionally, TEX-COTE® Coolwall is a long-lasting coating that requires minimal maintenance, saving you money on repairs and repainting in the long run.

TEX-COTE® Coolwall Warranty and Guarantees

When you choose Fitzhauer Construction for your TEX-COTE® Coolwall installation in Whittier, you can rest assured that you are getting a high-quality product backed by strong warranties and guarantees. TEX-COTE® Coolwall offers a limited lifetime warranty, ensuring that your investment is protected for years to come. Additionally, Fitzhauer Construction provides a satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that you are completely satisfied with the results of your TEX-COTE® Coolwall installation.


TEX-COTE® Coolwall lifetime coating is the ultimate solution for homeowners in Whittier who want to protect their homes, save money, and create a more comfortable living environment. With its energy-efficient properties, cost savings, and numerous benefits, TEX-COTE® Coolwall is the best choice for your home. When it comes to TEX-COTE® Coolwall installation in Whittier, Fitzhauer Construction is the trusted name to rely on. Contact us today to learn more about how TEX-COTE® Coolwall can transform your home in Whittier.

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