Neil Villhauer

Owner - Operator

Neil has been in the construction industry since 2002, starting with building homes and transitioning to home improvement in 2010. In 2015, he co-founded Fitzhauer Construction with John Fitzmaurice. Neil enjoys working in diverse communities and embraces new challenges. Outside of work, he loves outdoor activities, CrossFit, and training dogs.

Jessica Ries

Office Manager

Jessica has been an essential part of the team from the beginning, working with John and Neil for the past 15 years. She possesses extensive knowledge of the industry and efficiently manages office operations, including scheduling, payroll, accounting, and business management. Jessica's favorite product is windows, and she enjoys relaxing by her pool with her dogs and a BBQ on her time off.

Dave Ries

Sales & Marketing Manager

With 25 years in the home improvement industry, Dave has witnessed significant advancements in technology and energy-efficient products. He leads the sales and marketing teams, always prioritizing long-term customer satisfaction. His favorite product is Texcote for its durability and longevity. In his free time, Dave enjoys spending time at Lake Havasu and exploring different restaurants.

Ricky Buendía

Marketing Team Manager

Ricky, our marketing team manager, has experience in various phases of construction but excels in customer service, earning the affection of everyone he works with. Since joining the company in 2020, he has grown into a leadership role. Ricky enjoys soccer, spending time with his two young daughters, and has recently taken up golf with ambitions of joining the PGA tour next year.

Rosalynn Teves

Production Staff

Rosalynn joined our production staff in early 2023 with no prior construction management experience but quickly excelled due to her positive attitude and genuine care for customer experience. She particularly likes patio covers, noting that all her customers love them. In her free time, Rosalynn enjoys spending time with her son, finding things that make her laugh, and petting every dog she meets.

Angela Sharp

Production Staff

Angela joined our production team in 2020 and has thrived thanks to her years of experience in customer service and project management. She handles complex window orders and technical HVAC projects, particularly enjoying AC projects due to her sensitivity to temperature changes. In her free time, Angela loves being near water, whether it's the beach, a pool, or the river. She also enjoys spending time with her daughters and pets.

Rubi Perez

Scheduling Specialist

Rubi has been with the company since early 2022, specializing in scheduling and generating work orders for our installation teams. As our in-house Spanish liaison, she ensures smooth communication with our Spanish-speaking clients. In her free time, Rubi enjoys spending time with her nephew, going to Disneyland, and doing CrossFit. She also dreams of owning a Highland mini cow one day.

Manny Gutierrez

Head Project Manager

Manny has been a dedicated member of our team since 2014, starting as a helper on roofing crews and quickly rising to become a top-notch roofer. As our head project manager for roofing, he also handles projects involving other products, always aiming for 5-star customer reviews. Manny thrives on challenges and enjoys spending time with his daughters and working on classic cars in his free time.

Arren Mendoza

Project Manager

Arren has been a valued member of our team since 2016, working in various roles from installation to production and now project management and sales. Specializing in large projects, he excels at transforming the exterior of homes with new roofs, siding, and fresh paint, giving older homes a brand-new look. In his free time, Arren enjoys spending time with his wife and teenage son and plays guitar in a band.

Jesse Marquez

Project Manager

Jesse has been a valuable member of our team since 2016, starting on our installation teams and working his way up to project management. With his electric personality and deep product knowledge, Jesse handles everything from ordering windows to pulling permits, helping with financing, and ensuring smooth project completion. Outside of work, he enjoys watching the Chargers play and attending Angels games.

Jeremy Ries

Project Manager

Jeremy has been an integral part of our team since 2019, serving as one of our project managers. He excels in Texcote projects, enjoying the transformation they bring to homes. Jeremy appreciates the unique challenges of each house, which keeps him motivated. Despite being the "official whipping boy" of Jessica, his older sister who runs the office, Jeremy is also the reason Ricky loves golf. In his spare time, he volunteers by coaching special needs kids and adults in golf.